
What is this?

This is a small sample repository that configures:

It is based on Microsoft’s TypeScript-Babel-Starter with ideas for Webpack based on sweetcoco’s webpack-babel-boilerplate.

You can look into those projects to learn how to add extra configuration to this repository.

It is ready for deploying in Heroku as a Node app.

How do I use it?

Building the repo

npm run build

Type-checking the repo

npm run type-check

And to run in --watch mode:

npm run type-check:watch

Serve in development mode

This includes HMR (Hot Mode Reload).

npm run serve-dev

Serve in production mode

npm run build:webpack && npm run serve-prod

Run unit tests with Jasmine

npm run test

You can also check coverage with:

npm run testWithCoverage

Format and style fixes

To detect and attempt to fix lint issues:

npm run tslint-fix

To auto-format all files:

npm run prettier-fix

To do both together:

npm run fix